What is a toe crack?
A toe crack is a crack observed at the weld toe. At the base plate weld in pole structures typically observed at the upper weld toe in the thin pole shaft material.
What is non-destructive testing (NDT)?
NDT is the act of determining the suitability of a material or a component for its intended purpose using techniques that do not affect the components ability to be placed or remain in service.
I have a project that I'd like to
discuss and get a quote on –
what's the next step?
To receive a custom quote and full
proposal, please email us at
sales@rts-safe.com or call us at
(570) 359-3293 – one of our staff
will get back to you immediately.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where does SAFE operate?
SAFE operates in the continental U.S. and other areas as may be requested by our clients. Our inspection and field services teams are self contained, mobile and can generally deploy to site to accommodate even the most demanding schedules.
Do I need to have my fields or facility closed to perform an inspection?
No, your fields or facilities can stay open and normal activities can continue. SAFE's inspection teams are very non-intrusive and used to working in environments where students, faculty and visitors may be present.
Are SAFE's personnel certified and insured?
Absolutely! All of SAFE's field personnel are certified by the appropriate agencies (ASNT, AWS, etc) and fully insured. Copies of certifications and insurance are available for review by clients upon request.
If problems are located, will my poles need to be removed and replaced?
Only as a last resort and a clear threat to public safety exists. In most instances SAFE can design and execute field repair and modifications that will allow your poles to remain in service and restore them to safe operating condition with little or no disruption to normal activities.